
This page contains the replication results for cis-eQTL, trans-eQTL and eQTS analyses. Top cis-eQTL effects were replicated in GTEx v7 postmortem tissues. Blood trans-eQTL were replicated in several purified cell types and GTEx v6 postmortem tissues. eQTS effects were replicated in GTEx v7 postmortem tissues.

2021-04-28: Replications of trans-eQTLs in single-cell RNA-seq added. Replications of trans-eQTLs in GTEx (excluding GTEx from the discovery) and in other replication datasets added as separate files. Replications of eQTS in EUR samples from GTEx (excluding GTEx from the discovery) and in other replication datasets added as separate files. 2019-12-23: Cis-eQTL replications were done again with GTEx v7 and while requiring that each cis-eQTL was tested in at least 2 cohorts. Trans-eQTL replications include a new version of iPSC replication, as well as replication in all GTEx tissues while only testing those effects that were identified in eQTLGen when omitting GTEx whole blood results. eQTS replications are now added for the first time.
2018-10-19: Initial data release

Cohorts contributed to the replication analyses